Carson City Public Library
Welcome to the Carson City Public Library, Carson City, Michigan. Please take a moment to review our many services.
NEW! Download & stream free movies, magazines, videos, music, audiobooks, comics and ebooks for free on your mobile device or computer with Hoopla and your library card!
(you must complete a quick, one-time registration to access Hoopla)
NEW! 8 checkouts a month!
History Commons
(online access to 18th & 19th century
newspapers, periodicals, and ebook
collection with your library card)
My Heritage
( online access to U.S. census, military, immigration records and more!)
Access My Heritage by clicking the "eshelf & research" tab at the top of this page. available free on the public computers at the
Carson City Public Library.
Your library resources available anytime, anywhere
Borrow ebooks, audiobooks, digital magazines and more!
New books, new movies and more!
Here are some resources to enrich your time at home!
Michigan E Library for Kids
Busy Bee Kids Crafts
Learning Resource
Children's Reading Resource
Virus Anxiety
Gutenberg Project-Classic Books